Democracy means that you view issues of race, gender, sexuality, the environment, the workplace and the
like to be crucial spheres where the negotiation over identity, equality, and emancipation takes place.


    One Tribal Voice: One MAN'S thought

"Democratic principles commit me and should commit you to a relentless quest for the sort of political behavior that speaks to
race, class, gender, economic arrangement, and social conditions that promotes a full productive life for the common citizen.
This translated means Good public policy and progressive politics."   Reverend Alan L., Joplin

Companion Site/One Spiritual Thought

Social Commentary
is the act of rebelling against something in a rhetorical manner. This is done with the idea of promoting
change by informing the general populace about a given problem and appealing to people's sense of Justice.

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Prayer For My Grand Children

To Ciara, Nevin Jr., Quinn and DeArcy. May you never struggle
with the hidden injuries of race, prejudice or discrimination.

With many voices we praise you, O God. In different ways we serve you. We pray that you will send your sprit upon us and take our diversity and mold it into a common theme of thanksgiving.

We pray that you would weave the gifts we offer into a whole cloth of service that will blanket the world with your love, your goodness and your glory.

Transforming God, send the flame of your transforming life, wisdom and faith that we may know the great hope to which we are called. We give you thanks, for great is you faithfulness, O God. Call us forth in new faithfulness to you.

Lift us up through pathways that lead to your Kingdom. Move us beyond the edge of our dreams. Give us a vision that will challenge our smallness of heart and bring us humbly together.

Sweep us forward like dust in the wind, breaking free of the power of self-interest until the whole earth sings with your justice. Open our moths that we be one voice for the voiceless. Open our eyes that we all may see the same vision of peace and glory. Open our ears that we may here the whisper of your word and the weeping of the world. We give you thanks, for great is you faithfulness, O God. Call us forth in new faithfulness to you.

Make us alive with the courage and faith of your life giving truth. Cleanse us with the burning fire of your love so we may raise up as your children, bravely walking into the future. Breath into us your sprit, so we will become faithful witnesses, in our communities and the world.

Lord, We create barriers as individuals and as a society. We shut others out and disbar ourselves by how we react to the words of our neighbors. We pray for the energy and the will to tare down the walls that divide us from one another and from you. We give you thanks, for great is you faithfulness, O God. Call us forth in new faithfulness to you.

Transforming God, remake and sanctify us, give us the strength we need to be your church in sprit and truth. As we learn and grow in your love, we dedicate or rededicate our lives to your service.

We give ourselves knowing you will create through us a new community of faith bounded together by the gospel of the living God. As we pursue our works, shape us, strengthen us, and empower us, because in the words of St Thomas Aquinas “ we have been called to heal wounds, to unit what has fallen apart and to bring home those who have lost their way. And we will forever sing of your great faithfulness, O God. Call us forth in new faithfulness to you…. Amen

This Prayer was published in the Memphis Theological Seminary
Journal. Volume 37 Number 1: Fall 2000


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