"If a brother or a sister be naked," says James the apostle; "if they lack their daily nourishment, and one of you says to them: 'Go in peace, be warmed and be filled', without giving them what is necessary for the body, what good does it do?" (Jas 2: 15-16) Today no one can be ignorant any longer of the fact that in whole continents countless men and women are ravished by hunger, countless numbers of children are undernourished, so that many of them die in infancy, while the physical growth and mental development of many others are retarded and as a result whole regions are condemned to the most depressing despondency. On the
I feel your passion for the hungry, but I have a passion for the hunger of their souls to be washed clean in the blood of the Lamb. the problem with those of us who are blessed, we like to tell the lie, " God will supply all your needs according to His riches," but I caution the body of believers to recall the Apostle Paul made that statement to people who were supporting the gospel going forward. Jesus told us the poor would always be with us, yet we seem to waste our church doctrines on prosperity and name it and claim it theology.
Whats important is that we preach the gospel to those who haven't been reached. We should minister to them with food, then fill them up with the word of God for dessert. Evangelism is our call as Christians, but we are a Luke warm assembly of Christians now a days. Every time I walk in a church and deliver a message on the great commission, it is received with reluctance to do the work. We need to concentrate on training missionaries and evangelists. We dont need to let them run around the church and cause havoc, hold those titles, and produce NO fruit.
Minister C. La Fleur
Unknown, At
October 16, 2009 at 8:43 PM
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